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Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows
Aluminium windows offer a contemporary style like no other.
Aluminium windows are a popular option amongst homeowners, capturing a standard of performance and aesthetic that is completely unmatched in the current market. The windows are made with slimmer frames than traditional windows, allowing more light to flood into your home, and offer a contemporary style like no other.

Aluminium is the strongest material used to manufacture window frames, meaning it will not be affected by a change in temperature such as flexing or expanding. Our aluminium frames are powder-coated, which means they don’t need to be touched up with colour and won't corrode over time.
Excellent thermal efficiency
Aluminium frames are highly thermal efficient, preventing the conductive properties of metal from transferring heat out of the house. 
Low maintenance
Aluminium windows only require cleaning with warm soapy water in order to upkeep them. A quick clean of the glass and frame every 2-4 months will help remove dirt and keep the windows looking shiny.
Aluminium windows can last up to 30 years, this is because aluminium is resistant to the outside elements compared to other frames, making them less likely to warp, flex or expand.
houses into homes

Offering excellent value for money
With our attention to detail, we thrive to continue to deliver the best quality possible for all our customers in the Essex and Suffolk area.